Appointments / results: 612-543-5555


HIV is a virus that weakens the body’s ability to fight off illnesses, and can lead to AIDS. HIV usually spreads during anal or vaginal sex or sharing needles, cookers or cottons. Only certain body fluids can spread HIV: usually infected blood, semen, rectal fluids and vaginal fluids.

Some people develop flu-like symptoms two to four weeks after infection, but most people don’t have any symptoms for many years.

Return testing and 90-day PrEP visits

Call 612-543-5555 to schedule an appointment.

Get the rapid HIV test

The only way to know if you have HIV is to get tested.

We’ll take blood from your finger and give you your results during your visit. Results are confidential.

Call for an appointment at 612-543-5555.

HIV prevention: PrEP and PEP

PrEP is a daily pill for people who don't have HIV but are at high risk of getting it. Red Door prescribes medication that helps protect against HIV infection. This medication, along with condom use, safer sex counseling, and routine testing for sexually transmitted infections, can help reduce your risk of getting HIV. For more providers, view our interactive map of PrEP providers in the metro area. Select "individual provider locations" to get additional information.

For help picking an insurance plan for PrEP, visit NASTAD's PrEP Coverage Tool

PEP is a pill for people who don't have HIV but may have been exposed to it within the last 72 hours. PEP appointments are available during regular clinic hours. The sooner you can come in the better, since PEP is most effective when taken closest to the time of exposure. 

Some people who are HIV positive and on treatment are undetectable, which means their virus level is so low that it's highly unlikely they could transmit the virus to others. To date, there've been no cases of transmission among people who are undetectable. 

Please call us at 612-543-5555 and press #1 if you are due for a refill on your PrEP medication. You'll speak with one of our clinic staff and be scheduled into clinic for any needed lab work.

Get support if you’re HIV positive

We connect people living with HIV to medical care, including those who are out of care and want to get back in, or are new to Minnesota and need help finding care here.

We can:

  • provide a list of HIV health care providers in the community
  • help you make appointments
  • assist with insurance and financial assistance
  • make referrals for mental health, food, hormone treatment, employment and housing

For HIV-related consultation and referrals, call us at 612-543-5555.

If you have HIV, we recommend telling your sexual partner(s) so they can get tested and treated. Red Door has specially trained staff who can find and notify your sexual partners. Ask about partner notification when you come in for testing.

If you’re pregnant

Pregnant people who are HIV positive can spread the infection to their unborn babies, or during childbirth or breastfeeding.

Go to your pregnancy health care provider, such as an obstetrician or gynecologist. If you don’t have a provider, call the United Way for a referral at 651-291-0211 or call 211 from a land line.