Appointments / results: 612-543-5555

Whole Person Care

Red Door and Youth & AIDS Projects (YAP) are partnering to offer case management and support services for Black men. We know that Black men have not been supported in health spaces. That’s why this program is designed to center your needs and help you navigate services and resources.


Whole Person Care is all about supporting every part of your health and wellness, not just your medical needs. We are here to help you achieve your goals in all areas of your life: sexual, emotional, social, financial, spiritual, and beyond. You will have 1-on-1, tailored support from one of our case managers.


This program is focused on people who:


Your case manager will answer any questions you might have and ensure you have ongoing support. We can help with:

  • Insurance navigation
  • Benefits enrollment
  • Mental health referrals
  • Establishing primary care
  • Insurance navigation
  • Housing assistance
  • Financial support
  • Employment services
  • And more!

Get started

To start the enrollment process and get connected to a case manager, fill out our intake survey.

If you have any questions and would like to speak to a case manager, call our case management line at 612-543-3380 or walk-in to the clinic on Fridays.