Appointments / results: 612-543-5555

Mpox (monkeypox)

How can you take action

Get vaccinated. Visit Red Door Clinic or your nearest healthcare provider to receive the Mpox vaccine. Getting your vaccine is important for your personal and community protection. Having the vaccine reduces the severity of symptoms.

Spread awareness. Share this message with your family, friends, colleagues, and sex partners. Encourage them to get vaccinated and to raise awareness about the importance of Mpox prevention. 

Hold off. Not having close contact or sex with others who have symptoms of Mpox is helpful in preventing the spread of the virus.

Get tested. If you notice unusual bumps or sores, get tested at Red Door or your primary provider. Also encourage testing for your partners if they notice bumps or sores. 

Stay informed. Stay updated with information from trusted sources, like Red Door, Minnesota Department of Health, and the CDC. 

Reach out. Don't hesitate to reach out with your questions or concerns.

For more information and vaccination eligibility, please see below or contact our clinic today.